For years every golfer has been told that they should have exactly the same grip as everyone, which as it turns out is just not the case. Learn how to make your unique grip work for you and your scorecard, plus how to change your own grips by clicking on the image and downloading this […]

Accuracy and power should go hand in hand when it comes to golf which is why it is so important to turn behind the ball correctly. When done right it really can help you get the most out of your driver, but when it’s done incorrectly you’ll lose your accuracy and strike consistency. Follow these […]

Everyone wants to improve their game, but what should you do if those hours of practice and perfect technique at the range don’t translate to the course? Don’t panic, there are plenty of ways to advance your game whilst you’re actually playing and putting these into action will mean a better scorecard in the end. […]

A slice happens when the clubface is open to the path of the club. You can improve you score and say goodbye to your slice with these helpful tips. This easy to understand article will make it simple for you to find what’s causing your slice and fix it! Click the image to the left […]

Performing long shots from the sand (assuming you have a good lie) can be made simple and improve not only distance but strike consistency as well with a few practical points from this “umbrella drill” Click the image to the left to download the article…

Straying into the sand is no one’s idea of fun but once there the important thing is to know how to get yourself out of the bunker in a way that won’t cost you points. TG Pro Gareth Johnston’s six rules for bunker play made easy will ensure that you know exactly what to do […]